Not only was this my first real block of training in the sun, but i also got to test the legs out during the Tucson Bicycle classic. I was wrong to think that this would be a small event where i could win back some of the money the airlines took from me. Francisco Mancebo and Gord Fraser lined up at the start line along with most of the realcyclist team. Throw in some riders from Jelly Belly and the Pistachios team and you've got yourself a race. I struggled through the TT with only my shoe covers and skin flute to protect me from the wind. HUGE disadvantage. Mancebo put just under a minute into me on a 7 km course. Ridiculous.
Both road races turned out to be a blast. We covered 80 miles on saturday in just over 3 hours and i launched a spicy attack with 2 km to go only to get caught about 22 seconds later and sunday saw the pack roll through 50 miles in just under 2 hours. I felt great going into the sprint but managed to get boxed in as we approached the line. Maybe by the end of the season ill have this sprinting thing down and dialed.
As for new photos, i've been snapping some great ones of the beautiful mexican landscape. I just need to figure out how to get them off my camera. I'll probably have to wait till i get home...
In other news, Brad and i will be attending a crazy dubstep/electro show on thursday ( can't come soon enough) and i bumped into Mancebo having coffee at "le Buzz" today. Doesn't speak a lick of english. Go figure.
Lastly, i know you all have been waiting patiently, but i have put together a little mix that might just get you stomping your feet. The tittle is in response to my latest session spent in the lab in calgary... check it out HERE. Hope you like it!
May your bikes always roll rubber down and your coffees stay warm.
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